Tuesday, July 25, 2006


It's been great talking to friends this past week.

Friendships are the kind of relationships that can easily be overlooked. But there is definitely something special about being with someone just 'coz. You don't need them to complete you. They don't need you to hold their hand. Friends don't terrorize you with criticism like a parent would. They don't suffocate you with all the love in the world. But they're there when you need a hug. They're there when you want to laugh it out or to vent out rage by screaming obsceneties at strangers. I love my friends.

Amidst all this confusion and ruckus, I will always have you guys. It was good catching up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww...that's sweet. as soon as you get back, we'll drive around makati again and scream at pedestrians (while we're inside the car, ofcourse)haha. love ya honey! mwah! neil