Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I can't seem to write about anything noteworthy these days. Maybe life is a little too good at the moment. The absence of anxiety and stress does not bode well on a creative spirit. However, I am realizing just how it hard it is to land an h1b visa as a copywriter. I've been sending my resumes left and right without any luck so far. I guess it's pure luck I stumbled upon these notes. I was thinking of putting it on my cover letter as I was applying for my first job. A good reminder that this too will pass...


Some copywriters boast of their brains, their heart, their wit, their mighty pen.

I have my feet.

I love my feet. My feet are my future.

Because on my feet, walking around feverishly is how I think… how I get the ideas to come out.

My feet anchor me to the ground when I start sailing

My feet feel the flat surface of the bumpy roads I have walked upon.

Through my journeys it has kept me steadfast and upright to the end.

My feet help me lift whatever load, life decides to throw my way.

It is with these very same feet that I plan to climb up that ladder to where I was meant to be.

As a copywriter, I believe in my feet.

And my feet would like to walk through your doors.

hahaha =)


---- said...


Anonymous said...

the moment you can write without inspiration is the time you can say you are adept with your craft ;)

inspiration is overrated, i say! :D

miss you! and my god do i have kwento!