I finally got to try surfing with Mia and Angel in La Union. This is my hunky instructor Chris telling me that I need to be able to stand up on the board in one quick cat-like motion. Notice the look absolute confidence in my face. This is going to be a piece of cake.

I knew it was going to be easy! Chris is looking at me like I'm retarded. He must be thinking, "Wala ka pa sa tubig iha. Huwag ka muna masyadong magsaya".

This is a shot of me running out to meet the waves. I am supremely confident that I will conquer surfing. This crab was not born under the water sign for nothing!

This is a shot of me washing up on to the shore looking like a beached whale. Chris is that little spec behind me. He's a patient teacher but I'm sure he's getting tired of pushing while I try to get up. Still, he maintains a positive attitude by insisting that my stance is perfect and blaming the bad waves for my inability to stand.
It gets a little rainy and the wind disappears making the waves steadier. I manage to stand up! Yes, that little black spec wobbling on the board is indeed me. Three times out of thirty, I am able to "surf". It's not an impressive ratio, but better than I ever expected. Maybe it will be even better the second time around.

1 comment:
hey! i stumbled into your blog by bloghopping! wow! and you went surfing! how cool is that? =)
how are you? long time no hear from you. =)
by the way, if you're free on the 15th of july, we'll be celebrating kyle's first bday in mcdo greenbelt. i'll send you the invites once i get it from mcdo. hehe grabe your inaanak is such a big boy na! you should see him! i'm sure you'll be soooo proud!
see you soon! mwah!
take care!!
i'll link you up if you don't mind. here's my blog by the way: =)
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