Tuesday, June 20, 2006

We're all looking for someone to share our life with. We want that one person who will live for us, who will be with us through the laughter and the tears. We want someone to love us and embrace us for who we are. We want a true friend to cheer us from the sidelines.
I haven't found that person, but in the meantime I have this blog.
This blog has been with me through so much and it's going to be here through even more.
I can't abandon it, not for a boy and not again.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I was blog-hopping when I found your site:) Don't worry, you'll find your perfect someone soon. Just be happy with whatever you have right now. And when life sees that you're ready, your perfect someone will just come oh so suddenly. :)

Anonymous said...

yay! attagirl!

sorry i got cut off in ym the other night. home network screwed up.