Saturday, September 30, 2006


I have not written in so long. I keep trying, but I find myself unable to complete an entry. After much thought, I've concluded that it is my feeling of absolute bliss that is causing the blog block. The words are a violent torrent when driven by a powerful force. However, quieter emotions like happiness and peace do nothing to stir the creative juices.

Maybe I'm just moody. heehee...

Anyway, I just came back from my first American fair. It was held right here in Winston Salem and it was the bees knees or should I say the fleas knees. Yes, the fleas knees. I actually got a glimpse of a flea circus. I didn't get it. That's all I have to say about that.

What I found funny though was the fact that the fair wasn't that different from the fairs in the Philippines. Sure, the rides were probably a lot more high tec.

But despite all of that, you glimpsed around the same crowd. Families moving around as one unit. Wide eyed youngsters with stain marks all over their clothes. Groups of teenagers beaming with newfound independence. Couples taking advantage of the circus atmosphere to go wild on each other. In fact, I saw this girl who was publicly molesting her boyfriend's ass from behind his jeans' pocket. It's a scene that's crazy improper and tacky to the bone and yet you can't really look away.

Crazy improper, tacky and a sight to see. That's a fair atmosphere in the Philippines and in the States.

The most exciting event of the day was a Figure 8 Race. For all of you uncultured hicks out there, ths a car race at par with Formula 1... if only for pure entertainment value. Seriously. Figure 8 racing is a form of racing that combines elements of oval racing, demolition derby, and road racing. Racing is done on a track shaped like an 8. The cars cross paths at the center of the 8, which is known as the "crossover". Because of this layout, crashes are inevitable.

Who says Americans don't have a culture. From the fair atmoshpere alone, I could tell that Americans have managed to create a culture that's wacky... competitive, fun and very much consumer friendly.

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