Thursday, July 06, 2006

I can't believe I'm saying this less than a month after I left. I don't want to admit this even to myself but, "I MISS ADVERTISING!". I miss being a slave to an idea, to have it take hold of you. I love the feeling of hating yourself for having made a weakling and the euphoria of coming up with a fighter. I miss the emotional whiplashes of rejection. I miss the infinite frustration of being denied creative freedom. I miss the days of doubting yourself and questioning if this job is it for me. I miss thinking. I miss the pressure. I miss writing. I even miss my stupid name studies.
What am I saying?!
I took a step back to gain some perspective and I am drowning in it. It's not easy making decisions in a vat of clear-headedness. There is no clear direction to what I am doing and no methodology on how to go about it. The path to self-discovery has yet to be discovered. In the meantime, I find myself clinging to what I know.
Or do I really love advertising?
In the search for an all-consuming passion, have I set the bar too high? Did I just give up on my one true love? Whoever said that loving something was easy. It's not and at times, you have to fight for it.
But fighting made me miserable.


---- said...

I still discreetly pass a few thumbs to alelee or ben when there's an open JO. =)

Anonymous said...

its the same as missing an ex. but now you must explore. thats why you're there :D

and besides, you have macbook na!

Knox said...

there's nothing like the painful ecstacy of being a creative ;)

Knox said...

jayves, missing an ex nanaman... uuuuy! btw, i need a mac tutorial asap =)

Anonymous said...

sure. when you're online.